Current Position: Client Visits

Guatemala Client Visited EVANGEL Office

Publication Date: 2023-05-22 Promulgator:admin Clicks:1575

On May 22nd, 2023, I had the pleasure of hosting a client from Guatemala. This client is a returning customer who has previously purchased machinery from us and came to attend the Photovoltaic Exhibition. The client informed me that they would be arriving in Shanghai on the 21st. In preparation, I arranged a hotel for the client and offered to pick them up from the airport. However, the client politely declined the airport pickup and expressed a preference for using public transportation. I provided them with detailed instructions on the public transportation route and the address of the hotel.

On Monday, the client visited our company for a tour. In the meeting room, we discussed minor issues related to the previously purchased machinery and provided a quotation for their upcoming order. As lunchtime approached, I invited the client to join me for a meal. The client expressed gratitude for our thoughtfulness and hospitality, and they were very appreciative of our company's guidance and service.

We are delighted to have had the opportunity to welcome our valued client from Guatemala. Their continued trust and support as a returning customer are greatly appreciated. We remain committed to providing exceptional products and addressing any concerns or inquiries they may have. We look forward to further enhancing our business relationship in the future.

Guatemala Client Visited EVANGEL Office
