Current Position: Client Visits

Guatemala Clients Visited EVANGEL Office

Publication Date: 2024-04-23 Promulgator:admin Clicks:1347

On April 22nd and 23rd, 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting three clients from Guatemala for a visit to the Pipe Jacking Machine Factory and our company.

During their visit, we engaged in deep discussions about the project, exploring various aspects and seeking solutions. The visit to the factory allowed the clients to witness firsthand the professionalism of our team and the high-quality standards of our products. This instilled in them a sense of confidence and trust in both myself and the factory, laying the groundwork for a long-term partnership.

After spending a full day together, we had developed a strong rapport. I extended an invitation for them to visit our company, providing them with an opportunity to gain further insights into our operations and discuss the project in more detail. Beyond the formalities of business, I also took on the role of their guide during their time in Shanghai, ensuring they had a memorable and enjoyable experience. Throughout our interactions, we shared many laughs and forged a genuine friendship.

Overall, our meeting was marked by a strong sense of mutual understanding and agreement, both in terms of the project and our personal connection. We are confident that this visit will serve as the foundation for a fruitful collaboration in the future.

Guatemala Client Visited EVANGEL Office
